The Date Book -- Quarter Two -- 2011-12

November 30 -- Finish First Book and Responses
December 1 -- Book Share Day

December 15 -- Finish Second Book and Responses
December 16 -- Book Share day

January 17-- Finish Third Book and Responses
January 18-- Book Share Day

January 20 -- Grading Window Closes--No Book Responses accepted after this date.

January 19-24 -- Blog Annotations & Evaluations

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Few Holiday Reads for the Short Ones

A classic holiday story . . . .

For the reader with a darker side ....

And, another timely tale . . .

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Timely Rebellious Book

Ok, sci-fi, dystopia novels are not my thing (usually); however, I have been known to enjoy Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and Brave New World. That being said, I had mixed feelings about Cory Doctorow's Little Brother. I think it is an important and entertaining book for young readers, but it was just a little too techie for my tastes. The tech explanations and screen-shot dialogue slowed down my reading and made my attention wander. I can see how my technology-focused students would eat it up though. On the plus side, Doctorow combines the critical discussion of civil liberties in our techno-centered (controlled) culture. He makes us wonder just how much the Department of Homeland Security really does track us through all of the modern conveniences attached to us (Internet, Facebook, cell phones, commuter fast-track cards, cameras in schools, tags, cookies, cookies, cookies....) The author raises questions about cultural and governmental control possibilities that we would rather not think about, but we also NEED to think about. Doctorow's work would be useful in combination with other dystopia novels like The Giver, The Silenced, and Fahrenheit 451.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Creepy Read !

Shattering Glass, the debut YA novel by Gail Giles, is a creepy read for high schoolers. Focusing on issues of school cliques, class inequity, male violence, and adolescent power structures, the text makes you wonder what really goes on in the minds of young people. The book is reminiscent of the recent film Mean Creek.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Second Quarter Syllabus

The Reader's Workshop
Quarter Two -- 2008-09 -- 5th Period
Course Guidelines

The Reader’s Workshop is designed for individuals who love to read but never seem to have enough time to do it. By participating appropriately in a structured reading environment each day, it is a goal of the course that you will improve your reading rate, comprehension skills, and ability to effectively articulate responses to what you read in written, oral, and creative formats.

To earn credit in this course, you will need to:

1. Fulfill the Shabazz attendance requirement (5th period class / no more than 6 absences; 3 tardies = 1 absence). Students are expected to have their books with them each day. No reading material = absence.

2. Spend every class period reading silently or completing response projects. As a class, we will also spend one day a week reading a text aloud as a class or sharing our book selections. Students may have some input into the text to be read. Appropriate use of class time throughout the entire semester is a requirement to earn credit. Students not following in-class reading/work guidelines will earn absences.

3. Read and finish three books by due dates for 1/4 English credit. You may choose your own titles at an appropriate reading level, but try to move beyond what you always read by selecting one book outside of your usual genre or one that will significantly challenge you.


4. Turn in TWO response papers/projects for each book you read. Written responses must be AT LEAST ONE, FULL, TYPED PAGE in length and may focus on your own thoughts about the book or on questions/prompts suggested in class handouts. If you are quoting material from your book, your analysis section must equal one full page in length. Consult the response suggestion list for ideas. No more than one visual response will be accepted for each book.

12 pt. font / double-spaced / 1 inch margins max.

ALL WRITTEN RESPONSES MUST BE TYPED and THOROUGHLY EDITED. Be sure to save your work in your Shabazz server file, on a portable drive, or in an online archive.

NOTE: PLOT SUMMARIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE RESPONSES. A very brief explanation of plot elements (1 or 2 sentences) may be used to clarify and support your own response points; however, your analysis must carry the weight of your response papers. Also, any assignments completed below a “developing” level may need to be revised for credit.

5. Participate in discussions, book share talks, and writing conferences when requested. All students may be asked to work with tutors on writing mechanics.

6. Meet all deadlines and revise any response papers for content or mechanics if requested to do so.

Book Choices: You may use books from English classrooms, the LMC, home/friends, or from the public library. I only ask that you check out all books borrowed from our classroom by noting your selections on the Book Check-Out Form on the tall gray cabinet. Each student in this class will have a different reading rate, ability, and area of interest. For that reason, books will be of varied length and difficulty. I expect you to choose books that meet or challenge your own reading level and interest. I reserve the right to request that a student change a book believed to be too easy, too short, or inappropriate for the classroom. Students may read books they have read before, but must re-read them thoroughly. Also, if you have a very heavy reading load for several classes, please tell me as soon as possible for strategies on balancing your responsibilities.

Note: If you are reading a single longer book that equals more than one total text, you must still complete the same number of responses for the appropriate portion of the book by the deadlines.

Reading & Work Environment: Most students require a silent setting for full concentration on their reading and analysis writing. For that reason, it is important that the classroom environment be quiet for reading. (See Requirement #2.) No talking will be allowed in the room once class has started on reading days. Only students who follow this guideline will receive credit for being in attendance. The Center area is an option for reading space only if students use it appropriately and responsibly. Students may also use the computers in the writing center to work on typing their responses. Walkman, Discman, IPod (or other MP3 player ) use during reading days is acceptable if the music cannot be heard by others. Cell phone sources for music ARE NOT ALLOWED. Students dozing at any time during the class hour will automatically be marked absent without warning. Consider this syllabus your warning.

Assignment Due Dates: Follow this progress schedule to be eligible to earn credit in the class:

by November 24 (M) -- Finish Book #1 and responses

November 25 (T) – Book Share Day

by December 16 (T) -- Finish Book #2 and responses

December 17 – Book Share Day

by January 13 (T)-- Finish Book #3 and responses

January 14 -- Book Share Day


The schedule above is designed to allow for plenty of time to complete books and response writings. Students will have a short grace period following each major assignment due date to allow for unanticipated emergencies and time constraints. Missing a due date will also generate a contact home (either email or phone call) to update families of outstanding assignment obligations and determine if additional support is needed. If students miss the grace period deadline, they might lose eligibility for class credit. Grace period length will vary by class and assignment. Students must pay attention to each assignment’s dates. (The only exceptions to this guideline may occur for students with documented special education writing concerns. Those students must have a dialogue with me about those concerns in the first week of the course. Permission for extensions must be in line with a student’s IEP and requested in advance of the due dates.) Students are expected to participate in sharing sessions and may not use those days for writing or project work time.


The Shabazz attendance policy will be strictly enforced in this class. Students will earn a No Credit evaluation after their 6th absence. Remember that all tardies are accounted for (3 tardies = 1 absence). Students who arrive to class more than 15 minutes late will earn an absence for that class period. No make-up time opportunities will be given. Note: Students who sleep during class time or violate other work guidelines are not considered to be in attendance. No warnings will be given. Consider this handout your warning about attendance, dozing, or general lazing around. If students complete all of the assignment requirements for the course early, they still must meet the attendance requirements. They may use the class time to work on assignments due for other instructors or to read purely for their own enjoyment.


If it is discovered that students “borrow” text from other book reviews, papers, or classmates, it will be considered direct plagiarism and intellectual theft. Students who choose to take such inappropriate action will be required to conference with Denise and may receive a No Credit grade/evaluation in the course. Plagiarism is just wrong!

Book Return:

Students must return all books checked out for class to be eligible for credit in any English class. If a book is lost, talk with your instructor about where you can find a replacement copy, arrange for an alternative replacement, or provide payment for the text. Books have become extremely expensive in the last few years, so in order to maintain our excellent resource libraries here at Shabazz, we must keep close tabs on all our texts.

Thursday, October 2, 2008



Visit the American Library Association's Office of Intellectual Freedom for more information about this annual event.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Banned Books Week is Coming

Don't forget that Banned Books Week is quickly approaching. Please celebrate your freedom to read.

Also, you may be interested in this recent related news article on the GOP VP candidate -- Sarah Palin

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Basic Course Guidelines

The Reader's Workshop
Course Guidelines
5th Period – Q1 – 2008-09

The Reader's Workshop is designed for individuals who love to read but never seem to have enough time to do it. By participating appropriately in a structured reading environment each day, it is a goal of the course that you will improve your reading rate, comprehension skills, and ability to effectively articulate responses to what you read in written, oral, and creative formats.

To earn credit in this course, you will need to:
1. Fulfill the Shabazz attendance requirement (5th period class / no more than 6 absences; 3 tardies = 1 absence). No makeup time will be offered. Students are expected to have their books with them each day. No reading material = absence.

2. Spend every class period reading silently or completing response projects. As a class, we will also spend one day a week reading a text aloud as a class. Students may have some input into the text to be read. Appropriate use of class time throughout the entire semester is a requirement to earn credit. Students not following in-class reading/work guidelines will earn absences.

3. Read and finish three books by due dates for 1/4 English credit. You may choose your own titles at an appropriate reading level, but try to move beyond what you always read by selecting one book outside of your usual genre or one that will significantly challenge you.


4. Turn in TWO response papers/projects for each book you read. Written responses must be AT LEAST ONE, FULL, TYPED PAGE in length and may focus on your own thoughts about the book or on questions/prompts suggested in class handouts. If you are quoting material from your book, your analysis section must equal one full page in length. Consult the response suggestion list for ideas. Your instructor will provide you with the list. No more than one visual response will be accepted for each book.

Paper Logistics: 12 pt. font / double-spaced / 1 inch margins max.

ALL WRITTEN RESPONSES MUST BE TYPED and THOROUGHLY EDITED. Be sure to save your work in your Shabazz server file, on a portable drive, or in an online archive.

NOTE: PLOT SUMMARIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE RESPONSES. A very brief explanation of plot elements (1 or 2 sentences) may be used to clarify and support your own response points; however, your analysis must carry the weight of your response papers. Also, any assignments completed below a "developing" level may need to be revised for credit.

5. Participate in discussions, book share talks, and writing conferences when requested. All students may be asked to work with tutors on writing mechanics. If time allows, other assignments or projects may be required. September 27-October 4 marks the annual American Library Association’s Banned Books Week. The class will complete censorship-related activities that week.

6. Meet all deadlines and revise any response papers for content or mechanics if requested to do so.

Book Choices: You may use books from English classrooms, the LMC, home/friends, or from the public library. I only ask that you check out all books borrowed from our classroom by noting your selections on the Book Check-Out Form on the tall gray cabinet. Each student in this class will have a different reading rate, ability, and area of interest. For that reason, books will be of varied length and difficulty. I expect you to choose books that meet or challenge your own reading level and interest. I reserve the right to request that a student change a book believed to be too easy, too short, or inappropriate for the classroom. Students may read books they have read before, but must re-read them thoroughly. Also, if you have a very heavy reading load for several classes, please tell me as soon as possible for strategies on balancing your responsibilities.

Note: If you are reading a single longer book that equals more than one total text, you must still complete the same number of responses for the appropriate portion of the book by the deadlines.

Reading & Work Environment: Most students require a silent setting for full concentration on their reading and analysis writing. For that reason, it is important that the classroom environment be quiet for reading. (See Requirement #2.) No talking will be allowed in the room once class has started on reading days. Only students who follow this guideline will receive credit for being in attendance. The Center area is an option for reading space only if students use it appropriately and responsibly. Students may also use the computers in the writing center to work on typing their responses. Walkman, Discman, IPod (or other MP3 player ) use during reading days is acceptable if the music cannot be heard by others. Video IPods are NOT allowed as all students are to be reading or writing. Cell phone sources for music ARE NOT ALLOWED. Students dozing at any time during the class hour will automatically be marked absent without warning. Consider this syllabus your warning.

Assignment Due Dates: Follow this progress schedule to be eligible to earn credit in the class:
by September 18 (R) -- Finish Book #1 and responses
September 19 (F) – Book Share Day
Banned Books Week -- September 29 - October 3
by October 9 (R) -- Finish Book #2 and responses
October 10 – Book Share Day
by October 28(T)-- Finish Book #3 and responses
October 29-- Book Share Day

The schedule above is designed to allow for plenty of time to complete books and response writings. Students must use a late assignment ticket for each class day after a missed due date until the work is finished. Students will be allowed a total of 4 tickets during the quarter. Tickets may not be duplicated nor transferred to another student. All late assignment tickets expire at the end of the day on October 29th. (The only exceptions to this guideline may occur for students with documented special education writing concerns. Those students must have a dialogue with me about those concerns in the first week of the course. Permission for extensions must be in line with a student’s IEP and requested in advance of the due dates.) Students are expected to participate in sharing sessions and may not use those days for writing or project work time.

The Shabazz attendance policy will be strictly enforced in this class. Students will earn a No Credit evaluation after their 6th absence. Remember that all tardies are accounted for (3 tardies = 1 absence). Students who arrive to class more than 15 minutes late will earn an absence for that class period. No make-up time opportunities will be given. Note: Students who sleep during class time or violate other work guidelines are not considered to be in attendance. No warnings will be given. Consider this handout your warning about attendance, dozing, or general lazing around. If students complete all of the assignment requirements for the course early, they still must meet the attendance requirements. They may use the class time to work on assignments due for other instructors or to read purely for their own enjoyment.

If it is discovered that students “borrow” text from other book reviews, papers, or classmates, it will be considered direct plagiarism and intellectual theft. Students who choose to take such inappropriate action will receive an automatic No Credit grade/evaluation in the course. Plagiarism is just wrong!

Book Return:
Students must return all books checked out for class to be eligible for credit in any English class. If a book is lost, talk with your instructor about where you can find a replacement copy, arrange for an alternative replacement, or provide payment for the text. Books have become extremely expensive in the last few years, so in order to maintain our excellent resource libraries here at Shabazz, we must keep close tabs on all our texts.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Basic Course Description -- Quarter One -- 2008-09

This course will be led by Katy Ainslie, our pre-service instructor from Edgewood College.

If you love to read but never seem to have enough time for it, this may be the perfect class for you. To receive credit for the course, you will be required to read and respond through written and creative projects to at least 3 books of your choice. The class will also participate in a read aloud session once a week. All students must participate in these sessions. The class will be conducted in an independent workshop format, allowing 4 class days for reading and writing responses. Feedback on writings will be done on a one to one basis. Firm deadlines apply in this course.

Warning: Students enrolling in this course must be able to focus on reading silently for an entire class period. All students may need to read their chosen books and write responses outside of class time, as well.